The business of Education.

A school is a business! When a school is being set up, the owners and board of directors sit and discuss the vision THEY have for the school and the caliber of students they want to have. There are so many schools out there offering different philosophies and values, take time to look around and pick what is best for you and your child!

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For the love of the BOYS!!!

Its time we openly speak about intentionally raising Men!

A happy, strong and independent man is raised in an intentional way. I know we have many people talking about the girl child and the feminist movement but I want us on this blog to balance the attention and give the boy child attention, love and intentional parenting.

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Are you a proud parent?

Have you ever looked at your child and poured yourself a glass of wine? Have you been so proud of yourself as a parent, you literally went out to treat yourself? This summer break I have had a few of those moments. Raising independent, happy and respectful children is not easy. It has been emotionally involving to get my children to where they are now. You see at their age, I can comfortably go anywhere with my children without fear of them misbehaving, destroying people’s property, or just being rude.

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Special is Beautiful!

 When I was in college, we learned almost everything there was to learn at that time about our Special children. Children with special needs are the most heart-warming children you will ever interact with. As parents, I believe it is our job to teach our children how to befriend and understand other children. In my... Continue Reading →

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Skills parents need to TEACH

As you look at you little toddler full of joy now, it seems like a lifetime away for them to stand on their own two feet. It feels wrong to start teaching them to do things for themselves but I can promise you it is not! For now, it may seem impossible to begin the idea of responsibility but it’s never too early or too late for your toddler. There are a few activities you can engage your toddler in to boost them.

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